Анализ на приложенията, подходящи за мобилно обучение на деца в предучилищна възраст
Сборник доклади от SDSS-2016 2016: .
(Съавтор/и: Радослава Кралева, Александар Стоименовски)
Програмен продукт за работа с графи
Сборник доклади от SDSS-2016 2016: .
(Съавтор/и: Радослава Кралева, Фатима Сапунджи, Владимир Владимиров)
On Some Grammatical Aspects of the Speech of Children with Communicative Disorders
Journal “Linguistic World” (“Orbis Linguarum”) 2014: pp. 40-42.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева, Даниела Боцева, Дафина Костадинова)
Създаване на интерактивно учебно съдържание ориентирано към видеоклипове
Collection of publications "Electronic forms of training in university education" 2014: 102-122.
(Съавтор/и: Радослава Кралева, Дафина Костадинова, Даниела Боцева)
Variable Neighborhood Search Based Algorithm for University Course Timetabling Problem.
Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference, FMNS-2013, Bulgaria 2013: pp. 202-214.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева)
Web Service Based System for Generating Input Data Sets.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference "Mathematics and Natural Sciences", FMNS-2011, Bulgaria 2011: pp. 49-56.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева)
A model for the university course timetable problem.
International Journal on Information Technologies and Knowledge (IJ ITK) 2009: pp 276-289.
A genetic and memetic algorithm for solving the university course timetable problem.
International Journal on Information Technologies and Knowledge (IJ ITK) 2009: pp 291-299.
Architecture model of information system for automated establishment of university course timetabling.
Proceedings of the Second Balkan Scientific Conference The Science, the Education and the Art in 21st Century, Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad 2009: pp. 195-202.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева)
An integrated system for university course timetabling.
Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference (FMNS2009), Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2009: pp.99-105.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева, Нина Синягина)
On model architecture for a children’s speech recognition interactive dialog system.
Proceedings of the Third International Scientific Conference (FMNS2009), Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 2009: pp.106-111.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева)
On model of information system for management of information flows.
Proceedings of the Second Balkan Scientific Conference The Science, the Education and the Art in 21st Century, Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad 2009: pp. 203-210.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева)
A forest-fire model using speed and direction of the wind.
Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference (FMNS2007), Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. 2007: pp.45-49.
(Co-author/s: Нина Синягина)
A model for using multiple communication channels in signal-security systems.
Aerospace Research in Bulgaria 2007: pp.181-187.
Web service based system for customer relationship management.
Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv "Fundamental Sciences and Applications" 2006: pp.113-119..
(Co-author/s: Нина Синягина)
The web services like an instrument of building the distributed software systems.
Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv "Fundamental Sciences and Applications" 2006: pp.129-136.
On modification of the iterative self-organizing data analysis technique algorithm.
Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv "Fundamental Sciences and Applications" 2006: pp.121-128.
(Co-author/s: Радослава Кралева)