Editorial: Psychiatric Comorbidities in Children and Adolescents With ASD and in Typically Developing Children.
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022: .
(Co-author/s: Raleva, M., Pejovic-Milovancevic, M. )
Freed, Anne O.
Encyclopedia of Social work 2021: .
(Co-author/s: Ivanova, V. )
Cyber-physical systems for pedagogical rehabilitation from an inclusive education perspective
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 2020: pp. 186-207.
(Co-author/s: Dimitrova, M., Kostova, S., Lekova, A., Vrochidou, E., Chavdarov, I., Krastev, A., Bostova, R., Andreeva, A., Ozeata, L)
Measuring violence against children: The adequacy of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) child abuse screening tool - Child version in 9 Balkan countries.
Child Abuse and Neglect 2020: .
(Co-author/s: Meinck F,, Murray AL, Dunne MP, Schmidt P, BECAN Consortium )
Превенция на насилие над деца-мултидисциплинарна перспектива. : PENSOFT , 2019
Neuroscience and Play. In: Serenella Besio and Tamara Zappaterra (eds.) CHILDREN’S PLAY – MULTIFACETED ASPECTS
Publishing House ETS, Pisa, Series “Education”-№13 2019: pp. 139-153.
Система за регистриране и наблюдение на случаи на насилие и пренебрегване на деца (CAN_MDS) – възможности за приложение в България.
Балканистичен Форум 2018: 162-172.
Lifetime and past-year prevalence of children's exposure to violence in 9 Balkan countries: THE BECAN study.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 12:1 2018: .
(Co-author/s: Nikolaidis G., Petroulaki K. , Zarokosta F., Tsirigoti A., Hazizaj A. , Cenko E. , Brkic-Smigoc J.,Vajzovic E. , Chincheva St. , Ajdukovic M. , Rajter M., Raleva M. , Trpcevska L. , Roth M., Antal I. , Ispanovic V. , Hanak N., Olmezoglu-Sofuoglu Z. , Umit-Bal, I. , Bianchi, D.Meinck,F. and Browne,K.)
Piloting interactive KINECT-based game in children with disabilities.
Today’s children – Tomorrow’s parents, 47-48, 2018: 86-99.
(Co-author/s: Andreeva, A.)
Play and children with disabilities. Interdisciplinary perspectives.
Today’s children – Tomorrow’s parents,47-48, 2018: 3-6.
(Co-author/s: Besio,S.,)
Do children with disabilities play?
In: P. Encarnação, S. Ray-Kaeser, & N. Bianquin. Guidelines for supporting children with disabilities’ play. Methodologies, tools, and contexts. Warsaw/Berlin: De Gruyter 2018: 13-26 .
(Co-author/s: Besio, S.)
Evaluation of Children’s Play. Tools and Methods. . : Warsaw/Berlin: De Gruyter,Open. , 2018
(Co-author/s: Serenella Besio, Daniela Bulgarelli (Eds.). )
Неблагоприятни преживявания в детството и тютюнопушене при студенти от България- резултати от пилотно проучване.
Българско списание за обществено здраве, том 9, кн.3 2017: 39-47.
(Съавтор/и: Динолова-Ходжаджикова, Р. )
Play in Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities
In Besio, S., Bulgarelli, D., Stancheva-Popkostadinova, V., (Eds).. Play development in children with disabilities Berlin: De Gruyter 2017: pp. 174-180 .
(Co-author/s: Zorcec T.)
Play in children with intellectual disabilities
In Besio, S., Bulgarelli, D., Stancheva-Popkostadinova, V., (Eds).. Play development in children with disabilities (pp. 83-93). Berlin: De Gruyter. 2017: .
(Co-author/s: Bulgarelli, D.)
Play Development in Children with Disabilities.. : Berlin, D: De Gruyter.https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110522143, 2017
(Co-author/s: Besio, S., Bulgarelli, D.,)
Preschool teachers' understanding of quality in preschool: a comparative study in three European countries
Early Child Development and Care 2015: 968-981.
(Co-author/s: 28. Brodin J. , Hollerer L., Renblad K., Stancheva-Popkostadinova, V.)
Redesign of Computer Games towards Serious Motion-Sensing Games for Children with Limited Physical Skills:A Developer Perspective
In:S. Loshkovska, S. Koceski (Editors). Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,7th ICT ACT Innovations 2015: 224-233.
(Co-author/s: Lekova, A. , Krastev, A., Dimitrova,M. , Wagatsuma H.)
Management in child and adolescent psychiatry: How does it look in the Balkans?
Psychiatrike 2014: 48-54.
(Co-author/s: Pejovic-Milovancevic M, Miletic V, Anagnostopoulos D, Raleva M, Stancheva V, Burgic-Radmanovic M, Barac-Otasevic Z, Ispanovic V. )
Perspectives of intellectual disability in Serbia and Bulgaria:epidemiology, policy and services for children and adults
Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2011: 419–424.
(Co-author/s: 25. Ispanovic-Radojkovic,V., Stancheva-Popkostadinova,V. )
Current Trends in Social Work Case Management
In: K.Popova, V.Stancheva-Popkostadinova(Eds.). Case Work and Social Control in the 20th Century 2010: 107-119.
Transdisciplinary Model of Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities
Proceedings of International Symposium: Modern Trends in Speech and Language Therapy 2010: 111-121 .
(Co-author/s: Stancheva-Popkostadinova,V., St. Chincheva,D.Boceva)
Ethical considerations in child research in the light of CRC
Journal of Global Change and Governance 2009: 1-16.
(Co-author/s: Brodin, J., Stancheva-Popkostadinova, V.)
Early interventions in children with intellectual disabilities.
Annual of Union of Scientists "Science, Culture and Education" 2009: 215-220.
(Co-author/s: Brodin,J, Stancheva-Popkostadinova,V.)