Experimental examination of ternary fission in nuclear track emulsion
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2017: pp 910 - 913.
(Co-author/s: Mamatkulov, K.Z, Ambrožová, I., Artemenkov, D.A.,Bradnova, V.,Firu, E.,Haiduc, M., Kakona M., Kattabekov, R.R.,Marey, A., Neagu, A., Ploc, O., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Turek, K., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G.)
Dissociation of relativistic 10B nuclei in nuclear track emulsion
Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2017: pp 960 - 963.
(Co-author/s: Zaitsev, A.A., Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G., Kattabekov, R.R., Kornegrutsa, N.K., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Mitsova, E.K., Neagu, A., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Sarkisyan, V.R., Stanoeva, R., Haiduc, M., Firu, E.)
Study of the Involvement of 8Be and 9B Nuclei in the Dissociation of Relativistic 10C, 10B, and 12C Nuclei
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2017: pp 1126–1132 .
(Co-author/s: Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Britvich, G.I., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G., Kalinin, V.A., Kattabekov, R.R., Kornegrutsa, N.K., Kostin, M.Yu., Maksimov, A.V., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Mitseva, E., Neagu, A., Pikalov, V.A., Polkovnikov, M.K., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Sarkisyan, V.R., Stanoeva, R., Firu, E.,Haiduc, M., Kharlamov S.P.)
Progress of analysis of dissociation of 10C, 10B and 12C nuclei in nuclear track emulsion
EPJ Web of Conferences 2017: Article number 01030.
(Co-author/s: Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Firu, E., Haiduc, M., Kattabekov, R.R., Kharlamov, S.P., Kornegrutsa, N.K., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Neagu, A., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G.)
Unstable nuclei in coherent dissociation of relativistic nuclei 7,9Be, 10B and 10,11C
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2016: Article number 012019.
(Co-author/s: Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Firu, E., Kornegrutsa, N. K., Haiduc, M., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Kattabekov, R.R., Neagu, A., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Sarkisyan, V.R., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G.)
Recent applications of nuclear track emulsion
EPJ Web of Conferences 2016: Article number 10010.
(Co-author/s: Mamatkulov, K.Z., Ambrozova, I., Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Kamanin, D.V., Kattabekov, R.R., Majling, L., Marey, A., Ploc, O., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Turek, K., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G. )
8Be and 9B nuclei in dissociation of relativistic 10C and 11C nuclei
EPJ Web of Conferences 2016: Article number 06026.
(Co-author/s: Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Firu, E., Kornegrutsa, N.K., Haiduc, M., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Kattabekov, R.R., Neagu, A., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G. )
Study of nuclear multifragmentation induced by ultrarelativistic μ-mesons in nuclear track emulsion
Journal of Physics Conference Series 2016: Article number 022022.
(Co-author/s: Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Firu, E., Kornegrutsa, N.K., Haiduc, M., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Kattabekov, R.R., Neagu, A., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G. )
8Be and 9B nuclei in dissociation of relativistic 10B and 11C nuclei
Journal of Physics Conference Series 2016: Article number 022003.
(Co-author/s: Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Firu, E., Kornegrutsa, N.K., Haiduc, M., Mamatkulov, K.Z., Kattabekov, R.R., Neagu, A., Rukoyatkin, P.A., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G. )
Computer analysis of nuclear track emulsion exposed to thermal neutrons and Cf source
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2016: Article number 022012.
(Co-author/s: Mamatkulov, K.Z., Ambrozova, I., Artemenkov, D.A., Bradnova, V., Kamanin, D.V., Kattabekov, R.R., Majling, L., Marey, A., Ploc, O., Rusakova, V.V., Stanoeva, R., Turek, K., Zaitsev, A.A., Zarubin, P.I., Zarubina, I.G. )
Charge topology of the coherent dissociation of relativistic 11C and 12N nuclei
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2015: pp 794-799.
(Co-author/s: Д. А. Артеменков, В. Браднова, А. А. Заитсев, П. И. Зарубин , И. Г. Зарубина, Р. Р. Каттабеков, Н. К. Корнегрутса, К. З. Маматкулов, П. А. Рукойаткин, В. В. Русакова)
Toward an automated analysis of slow ions in nuclear track emulsion
Physics Procedia 2015: pp. 59-66.
(Co-author/s: K.Z. Mamatkulov, R.R. Kattabekov, I. Ambrozova, D.A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, D.V. Kamanin, L. Majling, A. Marey, O. Ploc, V.V. Rusakova,K. Turek, A.A. Zaitsev, P.I. Zarubin, I.G. Zarubina)
Angular correlations of relativistic 8B→ 2He+H fragmentation
Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2015 10 – 14 June 2015, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGIES 2015: рр. 86-90.
(Co-author/s: S.Stanoev)
8He Nuclei Stopped in Nuclear Track Emulsion
Few-Body Systems 2014: pp 733-736.
(Co-author/s: Д. А. Артеменков , А. А. Безбакх, В. Браднова, В. Цхудоба, М. С. Головков, А. В. Горсхков, Ал-З. Фарраг, Г. Камински, Н. К. Корнегрутса, С. А. Крупко, К. З. Маматкулов, Р. Р. Каттабеков, В. В. Русакова, Р. С. Слепнев, С. В. Степантсов, А. С. Фомицхев, П. И. Зарубин, И. Г. Зарубина)
8He nuclei stopped in nuclear track emulsion
EPJ Web of Conferences 2014: .
(Co-author/s: P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina, D. A. Artemenkov, A. A. Bezbakh, V. Bradnova, M. S. Golovkov, A. V. Gorshkov, AlZ. Farrag, G. Kaminsky, N. K. Kornegrutsa, S. A. Krupko, K. Z. Mamatkulov, R. R. Kattabekov, V. V. Rusakova, R. S. Slepnev,S. V. Stepantsov, A. S. Fomichev and V. Chudoba)
Fragmentation of relativistic 10C radioactive nuclei in a track nuclear emulsion
PoS(Baldin ISHEPP XXII) 2014: .
(Co-author/s: K.Z.Mamatkulov, R. R. Kattabekov, S. S. Alikulov, D. A. Artemenkov, R. N. Bekmirzaev, V. Bradnova, P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina, A. I. Malakhov, V. V. Rusakova, M. X. Samadov and S. P. Kharlamov)
Coherent dissociation of relativistic N-12 nuclei
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2013: pp 1219-1223.
(Co-author/s: R. R. Kattabekov, K. Z. Mamatkulov, S. S. Alikulov, D. A. Artemenkov, R. N. Bekmirzaev, V.Bradnova, P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina, N. V. Kondratieva, N.K.Kornegrutsa, D.O.Krivenkov, A. I. Malakhov, K.Olimov, N. G. Peresadko, N. G. Polukhina, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova and S. P. Kharlamov)
Dissociation of 10C nuclei in a track nuclear emulsion at an energy of 1.2 GeV per nucleon
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2013: pp 1224-1229.
(Co-author/s: K. Z. Mamatkulov, R. R. Kattabekov, S. S. Alikulov, D. A. Artemenkov, R. N. Bekmirzaev, V.Bradnova, P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina, N. V. Kondratieva, N.K.Kornegrutsa, D.O.Krivenkov, A. I. Malakhov, K.Olimov, N. G. Peresadko, N. G. Polukhina, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova and S. P. Kharlamov)
Exposure of nuclear track emulsion to 8He nuclei at the ACCULINNA separator
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2013: pp. 415–421.
(Co-author/s: D. A. Artemenkov, A. A. Bezbakh, V. Bradnova, M. S. Golovkov, A. V. Gorshkov, P. I. Zarubina, I. G. Zarubina, G. Kaminski, N. K. Kornegrutsa, S. A. Krupko, K. Z. Mamatkulov, R. R. Kattabekov, V. V. Rusakova, R. S. Slepnev, S. V. Stepantsov, A. S. Fomichev, and V. Chudoba)
Study of 8He nuclei via nuclear track emulsion
Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2013 12 – 16 June 2013, PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGIES 2013: рр. 27-32.
(Co-author/s: D. Stoilov)
Study of the Cluster Structure of Light Relativistic Nuclei via Dissociation
(Co-author/s: Д.А. Артеменков, В. Браднова, Р.Р. Каттабеков, К.З. Маматкулов, Н.К. Корнегрутса, Д.О. Кривенков, А.И. Малакхов, П.А. Рукойаткин, В.В. Русакова, И.Г. Зарубина, П.И. Зарубин, Н.Г. Пересадко, Н.Г. Полукхина анд С.П. Кхарламов)
Invariant analysis of the fragmentation of relativistic nuclei 8B
Proceedings on Third International Scientific Conference FMNS-2011, 08 - 11.06.2011, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA 2011: pp. 389-393.
Coherent dissociation of relativistic 9C nuclei in nuclear track emulsion
AIP Conference Proceedings 2010: 224-233.
(Co-author/s: D. O. Krivenkov, D. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, M. Haiduc, R. R. Kattabekov, S. P. Kharlamov, N. V. Kondratieva, K. Z. Mamatkulov, A. I. Malakhov, A. A. Moiseenko, G. I. Orlova, N. G. Peresadko, N. G. Polukhina, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova, V. R. Sarkisyan, S. Vokal, P. I. Zarubin, and I. G. Zarubina. )
Exposure of Nuclear Track Emulsion to a Mixed Beam of Relativistic N-12, C-10, and Be-7 Nuclei
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2010: Pages: 2110-2115.
(Co-author/s: R. R. Kattabekov, K. Z. Mamatkulov, D. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, S. Vokal, D. M. Zhomurodov, P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina, Z. A. Igamkulov, N. V. Kondratieva, N. K. Kornegrutsa, D. O. Krivenkov, A. I. Malakhov, G. I. Orlova, N. G. Peresadko, N. G. Polukhina, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova, M. Haiduc, S. P. Kharlamov.)
Coherent Dissociation of Relativistic C-9 Nuclei
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2010: Pages: 2103-2109.
(Co-author/s: Д. О. Кривенков, Д. А. Артеменков, В. Браднова, С. Вокал, П. И. Зарубин, И. Г. Зарубина, Н. В. Кондратиева, А. И.Малакхов, А. А.Моисеенко, Г. И. Орлова, Н.Г. Пересадко, Н. Г. Полукхина, П. А. Рукойаткин, В. В. Русакова, В. Р. Саркисйан, М.Хаидуц, С. П. Кхарламов. (2010).)
Clustering in relativistic dissociation of 9C, 10C, and 12N nuclei
NUCLEAR THEORY 2010: pp. 250–256.
(Co-author/s: D. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, R. R. Kattabekov, K. Z. Mamatkulov, S. Vok al, P. I. Zarubin, G. Zarubina, N. K. Kornegrutsa, D. O. Krivenkov,A. I. Malakhov, N. G. Peresadko,N. G. Polukhina, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova, M. Haiduc, S. P. Kharlamov)
Interactions of 8B and 9C nuclei with emulsion nuclei
Journal of Applied Electromagnetism: Special ISSUE 2010: pp. 22-28.
(Co-author/s: D. O. Krivenkov, G. I.Orlova, J. N. Stamenov, and P. I. Zarubin)
Electromagnetic Dissociation of Relativistic 8B Nuclei in Nuclear Track Emulsion
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2009: 690-701 .
First results on the interactions of relativistic 9C nuclei in nuclear track emulsion
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Progress in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Safety 2009: 149-156.
(Co-author/s: D.O. Krivenkov, D.A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, M. Haiduc, S.P. Kharlamov, V.N. Kondratieva, A.I. Malakhov, A.A. Moiseenko, G.I. Orlova, N.G. Peresadko, N.G. Polukhina, P.A. Rukoyatkin, V.V. Rusakova, V.R. Sarkisyan, T.V. Shchedrina, S. Vokal, P.I. Zarubin, and I.G. Zarubina)
Dissociation of relativistic 8B nuclei in peripheral Collisions
Third International Scientific Conference FMNS-2009, 03 - 07.06 2009: 106-110.
(Co-author/s: Stamenov J.; Zarubin P.)
Fragmentation of relativistic nuclei in peripheral interactions in nuclear track emulsion
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2008: 1565-1571.
(Co-author/s: Д. А. Артеменков, В. Браднова, М. М. Цхернйавскй, Л. А. Гонцхарова, М. Хаидуц, Н.А.Кацхалова, С. П. Кхарламов, А.Д.Коваленко, А. И. Малакхов, А. А. Моисеенко, Г. И. Орлова, Н. Г. Пересадко, Н. Г. Полукхина, П. А. Рукойаткин, В.В.Русакова, В. Р. Саркисйан, Т. В. Схцхедрина, С. Вокал, А. Вокалова, П. И. Зарубин, И. Г. Зарубина)
Features of the Be-9 -> 2He fragmentation in an emulsion for an energy of 1.2 GeV per nucleon
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2007: Pages: 1222-1225.
(Co-author/s: Артеменков, ДА; Браднова, В; Зарубин, ПИ; Зарубина, ИГ; Кацхалова, НА; Коваленко, АД; Малакхов, АИ; Орлова, ГИ; Рукойаткин, ПА; Русакова, ВВ; Стан, Е; Хаидуц, М; Кхарламов, СП; Тсаков; Цхернйавскй, ММ; Схцхедрина, ТВ)
Peripheral fragmentation of B-8 nuclei in nuclear emulsion at an energy of 1.2 GeV per nucleon
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2007: Pages: 1216-1221.
(Co-author/s: Bradnova, V (Bradnova, V.); Vokal, S (Vokal, S.); Zarubin, PI (Zarubin, P. I.); Zarubina, IG (Zarubina, I. G.); Kachalova, NA (Kachalova, N. A.); Kovalenko, AD (Kovalenko, A. D.); Malakhov, AI (Malakhov, A. I.); Orlova, GI (Orlova, G. I.); Peresadko, NG (Peresadko, N. G.); Rukoyatkin, PA (Rukoyatkin, P. A.); Rusakova, VV (Rusakova, V. V.); Stan, E (Stan, E.); Haiduc, M (Haiduc, M.); Kharlamov, SP (Kharlamov, S. P.); Tsakov, I (Tsakov, I.); Shchedrina, TV (Shchedrina, T. V.))
Studies of relativistic 8B nuclei in peripheral interactions with photoemulsion nuclei
International scientific conference 6-10.06.2007 FMNS 2007: 91-95 .
(Co-author/s: Stamenov J.; Zarubin P.)
Clustering in light nuclei in fragmentation above 1 A GeV
The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei 2006: 295-300.
(Co-author/s: N. P. Andreeva, D. A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, M. M. Chernyavsky, A. Sh. Gaitinov, N. A. Kachalova, S. P. Kharlamov, A. D. Kovalenko, M. Haiduc, S. G. Gerasimov, L. A. Goncharova, V. G. Larionova, A. I. Malakhov, A. A. Moiseenko, G. I. Orlova, N. G. Peresadko, N. G. Polukhina, P. A. Rukoyatkin, V. V. Rusakova, V. R. Sarkisyan, T. V. Shchedrina, E. Stan, I. Tsakov, S. Vokál, A. Vokálová, P. I. Zarubin, I. G. Zarubina)
Clustering features of 11B, 7Be, 8B, 9Be, and 14N nuclei in relativistic fragmentation
Proceedings of the 9th International workshop «Relativistic nuclear physics from hundreds of MeV to TeV», Modra-Harmonia, Slovakia, May 22-27 2006: 48-65.
(Co-author/s: D.A.Artemenkov, V.Bradnova, M.M.Chernavsky, M.Karabova, N.A.Kachalova, S.P.Kharlamov, M.Haiduc, S.G.Gerasimov, L.A.Goncharova, A.D.Kovalenko, A.I.Malakhov, A.A.Moiseenko, G.I.Orlova, N.G.Peresadko, N.G.Polukhina, P.A.Rukoyatkin, J.Vrlakova, V.V.Rusakova, V.R.Sarkisyan, T.V.Shchedrina, E.Stan, I.Tsakov, S.Vokal, A.Vokalova, P.I.Zarubin, and I.G. Zarubina)
Experimental studies of clustering features of some light nuclei in peripheral fragmentation above 1 A GeV
Proceedings of 25th International workshop «Nuclear theory/25» 2006: 139-147.
Topology of "white stars" in the relativistic fragmentation of light nuclei
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2005: Pages: 455-465.
(Co-author/s: Андреева, НП; Браднова, В; Вокал, С; Вокалова, А; Гаитинов, АС; Герасимов, СГ; Гонцхарова, ЛА; Дронов, ВА; Зарубин, ПИ; Зарубина, ИГ; Коваленко, АД; Кравцхакова, А; Ларионова, ВГ; Левитскайа, ОВ; Лепекхин, ФГ; Малакхов, АИ; Моисеенко, АА; Орлова, ГИ; Пересадко, НГ; Полукхина, НГ; Рукойаткин, ПА; Русакова, ВВ; Салманова, НА; Саркисйан, ВР; Симонов, ББ; Стан, Е; Цхернйавскй, ММ; Хаидуц, А; Кхарламов, СП; Тсаков, И; Сцхедрина, ТВ)
Diffractive dissociation of relativistic nuclei in nuclear track emulsion
Proceedings of the INTAS Summer School and Conference, Yalta, September 10-17 2005: pp. 93-104.
(Co-author/s: N.P. Andreeva, D.A. Artemenkov, V. Bradnova, M.M. Chernyavsky, A.Sh. Gaitinov, N.A. Kachalova, S.P. Kharlamov, A.D. Kovalenko, M. Haiduc, S.G. Gerasimov L.A. Goncharova, A.I. Malakhov, A.A. Moiseenko, G.I. Orlova, N.G. Peresadko, N.G. Polukhina, P.A. Rukoyatkin, V.V. Rusakova, V.R. Sarkisian, T.V. Shchedrina, E. Stan, I. Tsakov, S. Vokal, A. Vokalova, P.I. Zarubin, I.G. Zarubina)
Multiparticle He Fragmentation of 22Ne, 24Mg and 28Si in Emulsion at 4.1-4.5 A GeV/c
Proceedings of the 8th International workshop «Relativistic nuclear physics from hundreds of MeV to TeV», Dubna, May 23-28 2005: рр. 214-222.
(Co-author/s: N.P.Andreeva, D.A.Artemenkov, V.Bradnova, M.M.Chernyavsky, A.Sh.Gaitinov, N.A.Kachalova, S.P.Kharlamov, A.D.Kovalenko, M.Haiduc, S.G.Gerasimov, L.A.Goncharova, V.G.Larionova, A.I.Malakhov, A.A.Moiseenko, G.I.Orlova, N.G.Peresadko, N.G.Polukhina, P.A.Rukojatkin, V.V.Rusakova, V.R.Sarkisyan, T.V.Shchedrina, E.Stan, S.Vokal, A.Vokalova, P.I.Zarubin and I.G.Zarubina)
Light nuclei clustering in fragmentation above 1 A GeV
8th International workshop «Relativistic nuclear physics from hundreds of MeV to TeV 2005: 202-213.