The Impact of Virtual and Augmented Reality on the Development of Motor Skills and Coordination in Children with Special Educational Needs
In: Zlateva, T., Tuparov, G. (eds) Computer Science and Education in Computer Science. CSECS 2023. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2023: .
(Co-author/s: М. Колев, И. Тренчев, М. Трайков)
Comprehensive assessment of bilateral knee extensor strength asymmetry in healthy nonathletes using torque–angle relationships
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 2023: 2972-2982.
(Co-author/s: Мария Ганева, Катерина Стамболиева, Петър Миланов, Невена Пенчева)
EDULEARN21 Proceedings 2022: 4209-4217.
(Co-author/s: Методи трайков)
Mixed reality - digital technologies and resources for creation of realistic objects and scenes: their application in education
Proceedings of ICERI2020 Conference 9th-10th November 2020, Seville, Spain 2020: 2294- 2302, ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0.
(Co-author/s: Иван Тренчев, Методи Трайков, С. Димитрова)
Computer graphics teaching and creating computer realism: ulsit’s experience
Proceedings of ICERI2020 Conference 9th-10th November 2020, Seville, Spain 2020: 2303- 2310, . ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0.
(Co-author/s: Иван Тренчев, Методи Трайков, Теодора Динева, Динко Стойков)
Mathematical approaches for creation of complex 3D models and their application in education
Proceedings of ICERI2019 Conference 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain, 4908-4914.. ISBN: 978-84-09-14755-7. 2019: .
(Co-author/s: Иван Тренчев, Методи Трайков, Динко Стойков)
Assessment of different model selection criteria by generated experimental data
WSEAS Transactions on Computers 2018: 260-268.
(Co-author/s: Петър Миланов, Методи Трайков, Невена Пенчева)
Съставяне и избор на оптимален математически модел описващ научен или инженерен процес
Студентска и докторантска научна сесия SDSS-2017 2018: 12-17.
(Съавтор/и: Костадин Смилков, Светлин Христов)
Въведение в Linux. България: Югозападен университет „Неофит Рилски“, 2018
Приложение на теория на графите в киберсигурността
Шести национален семинар с международно участие "Европейските граждани и интелектуалната собственост - възприятие, осъзнатост, поведение" 2018: .
(Съавтор/и: Виктор Попчев, Методи Трайков)
Protein Folding in 3D Lattice HP Model Using Heuristic Algorithm
(Co-author/s: Методи Трайков, Никола Янев, Борислав Юруков)
Investigation of the Relationship Between the Hydrophobicity of an Amino Acid and Codon, which Shall Encodes
(Co-author/s: Иван Тренчев, Методи Трайков, Виктор Попчев)
Пилотно проучване на торг-скорост криви на екстензорите на колянна става при футболист и неактивно спортуващ мъж
19-та Студентска научна конференция на факултета „Обществено здраве, здравни грижи и спорт", 11-ти май 2018 - Университетски център Бачиново, Благоевград 2018: .
(Съавтор/и: Георги Киров, Димитър Атанасов, Илия Канелов, Стефан Капралов, Невена Пенчева)
Correlation between average and dominant height of middle-aged Douglas fir plantations in the north-west rhodopes
Silva Balcanica 2018: 13-26.
(Co-author/s: Ангел Ферезлиев, Делков А.)
Building And Selection An Optimal Mathematical Model Describing A Scientific Or Engineering Process
The 15th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2018) 2018: 88-90.
(Co-author/s: Методи трайков)
Performance Comparison of Model Selection Criteria by Generated Experimental Data
Book of abstracts of the Second International Conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia", July 10-14, 2017 2017: .
Намиране и визуализация на най-кратък път в граф с помощта на езика C# и WPF
Първа студентска и докторантска научна сесия SDSS-2016 2016: 54 - 60.
(Съавтор/и: Костадин Смилков, Светлин Христов, Методи Трайков)
Моделиране на цифров преобразовател за GSM сигнали
Първа студентска и докторантска научна сесия SDSS-2016 2016: 117 - 124.
(Съавтор/и: Тодор Чифлички, Иван Тренчев, Антон Стоилов, Методи Трайков)
Визуализиране на биологични макромолекули
Първа студентска и докторантска научна сесия SDSS-2016 2016: 69 - 75.
(Съавтор/и: Д. Бельова, В. Павлова, И. Тренчев)
Comparison and assessment of commonly used model selection criteria in modeling of experimental data
Biomath Communications – BIOMATH2016 2016: 46.
(Co-author/s: Петър Миланов, Борислав Юруков)
Book of abstracts, The 20th annual congress of the European College of Sport Science, Malmö 2015: рр. 477.
(Co-author/s: Гергана Королеова, Илия Канелов, Невена Пенчева, Петър Миланов)
A Model for HP Folding Prediction Using Increasing Constrain for Spreading in the Process of Making Conformations
Biomath Communications, ISSN 2367-5241 2015: p. 88.
(Co-author/s: Иван Тодорин, Иван Тренчев, Антон Стоилов, Методи Трайков)
3D Visualization of the Biological Structures
Biomath Communications, ISSN 2367-5241 2015: .
(Co-author/s: Иван Тодорин, Методи Трайков, Антон Стоилов, Иван Тренчев)
Risk Analysis with R Language
Proceedings of the Sixth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2015 2015: 137 - 146.
(Co-author/s: Методи Трайков, Миглена Тренчева, Иван Тодорин, Антон Стоилов, Иван Тренчев)
Установяване на някои рискови фактори за сърдечно съдови заболявания и техни зависимости при студенти
16-та студентска научна конференция "Кинезитерапия и спорт" 2015: 19 - 21.
(Съавтор/и: Анита Георгиева, Ива Кюркчийска, Румяна Бахчеванджиева)
The Hausdorff distance as a criterion for the optimal model selection in torque-angle relationships
Proceedings in book of abstracts in International Congress on Mathematics MICOM 2015: p. 45.
(Co-author/s: Гергана Королеова, Невена Пенчева, Петър Миланов, Борислав Юруков)
Computer graphics’s application in Bioinformatics
Proceedings in book of abstracts in International Congress on Mathematics MICOM 2015: p. 35.
(Co-author/s: Иван Тренчев, Антон Стоилов, Методи Трайков, Борислав)
Steps in modeling of biological data with GraphPad Prism
Workshop “Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing” MMSC2015 2015: .
(Co-author/s: Борислав Юруков)
Measurements for molecular docking in virtual screening
Workshop “Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing” MMSC2015 2015: .
(Co-author/s: Никола Янев, Петър Миланов, Борислав Юруков, Антон Стоилов)
Selection and comparison of regression models: estimation of torque-angle relationships
C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 2014: 1345-1354.
Statistical modelling in food technology
Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Enhancement of the competitiveness and restructuring of the food subsectors through benchmarking”, 15 May 2014: 118-122.
Pricing of goods and services through partial differential equations
Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Enhancement of the competitiveness and restructuring of the food subsectors through benchmarking”, 15 May 2014: .
(Co-author/s: Методи Трайков, Антон Стоилов)
Approaches to modeling of biological data with GraphPad Prism
Book of abstracts of the XVI-th International Summer Conference on Probability and Statistics (ISCPS-2014))Pomorie, Bulgaria, 21–28 June 2014 2014: p. 22.
Computer modeling of ligand-receptor interaction – encephalin analogues delta-opioid receptor
Bulgarian chemical communications 2012: 242-246 .
(Co-author/s: Таня Дзимбова, Невена Пенчева, Тамара Пайпанова, Петър Миланов)
Сравнителна оценка на максимален тест до отказ и Astrand-Rhiming тест за определяне на VO2 max
Спорт и наука 2012: 140-148.
(Съавтор/и: Антон Манчев, Невена Пенчева, Петър Миланов, Чавдар Коцев)
A benchmark for docking of 60 protein ligand complexes
National Biostatistics Congress with International Participation, 4-7 September 2012: .
(Co-author/s: Антон Стоилов)
Weather station at SWU – statistical analysis and reports
Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2011 2011: 564 -569.
(Co-author/s: Антон Стоилов)
Temperature conditions of the soils in the Blagoevgradska Bistritsa River basin (Rila mountain) reports
Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2011, 2011 2011: 583 -589.
(Co-author/s: Красимир Стоянов, Антон Стоилов, Александър Пулев, Лидия Секелариева)