From Stephen King’s Jake Epping to Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Rodion Raskolnikov: How Good Intentions Could Lead to the Apocalypse
in esse: English Studies in Albania 2024: 6-15.
(Co-author/s: Павел Филипов)
Stephen King: New Reflections and Refreactions. България: Университетско издателств "Н. Рилски", 2022
The Suspense of Horror and the Horror of Suspense. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
Room 237 as a Gradually Developed Suspense Motif in Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining”
Езиков свят 2016: 60 -67.
The Hedge Animals as a Suspense Motif in Stephen King’s “The Shining”
Езиков свят 2015: 61 -66.
The Fall of the House of Jack: the Ruin of Man in Stephen King’s “The Shining”
Crossing Boundaries in Cultures and Communication - Journal of the Department of Foreign Languages 2014: 88 – 92.
Analyses – Gergana Apostolova (Ed.) 2012: 168-178.
Translation of Catholic Lexis from English into Bulgarian in the Context of a Novel by Oscar Wilde
Съпоставително езикознание / Contrastive Linguistics 2012: 38-46.
The Importance of the ‘Symbiosis’ between Language and Culture in Translation
The Language – a Phenomenon without Frontiers, Fifth International Conference 2008: 373-376.
Буквалността в превода
Превод и културен трансфер. Сборник в чест на доц. Анна Лилова 2007: 136-140.
Literal Translation and Style. Some Problems That May Occur in the Process of English-Bulgarian Translation
Годишник на Филологическия факултет 2006: 304-308.
Translation Practice for Undergraduates of English and American Studies. България: Университетско издателств "Н. Рилски", 2006
(Co-author/s: Гергана Апостолова, Ели Бояджиева)