Успешно лечение на хроничния риносинуит? Минимум хирургия, максимум хирургия или консервативно лечение?
Сп. Военна медицина 2018: p. 29-31.
Frontal sinus mucocele – endoscopic management
Proceedings of the 6th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain and Spine and Second Global Update on FESS, the Sinuses and the Nose ENDOMILANO 2014: p. 82-84.
(Co-author/s: Samuil Milev, Ventzislav Tzvetkov)
FESS in the treatment of the diseases of the nose and sinuses, 5 years, 450 cases
Argomenti di Otorinolaringoiatria Moderna 2013: p. 17.
(Co-author/s: Ventzislav Tzvetkov, Samuil Milev)
FESS in the treatment of maxilary sinusitis of dental origin
Argomenti di Otorinolaringoiatria Moderna 2013: p. 28.
(Co-author/s: Ventzislav Tzvetkov, Samuil Milev)